The Golden Rule.

I’ve written before of my fondness of the golden rule. As I get older I gain better appreciation of it everyday. However, I do hold it to a higher degree and a different person nowadays. I dictate it to not only to those around me but the person inside of me as well. 

It’s kind of a conundrum but bear with me. The human experience is a never ending cycle of teachings and lessons. As children we are ethereal beings unbeknownst to the harsh realities of the world. Divine creatures finally enduring the human experience. Only to make us bitter and afraid of the consuming darkness that is the known as unknown future. Our experiences pave the road we walk and lay weight on our minds to forever carry the burdens of our mistakes. 

Though there is one thing that makes stay constant on that road and that is the memory of myself. For everytime I am placed in a situation that is frightening or unhealthy I ask myself what would I say to myself as a child? Would I tell him “it’s okay to remain silent about your abuse.” Or “you deserve to be in a relationship that is selfish and abusive”. What separates that person you once were to the person you are today? There is nothing more devastating than watching yourself deteriorate over something you would never let a child endure. We’d like to think we’re more progressive and thoughtful. Yet everytime we endure these crimes we reaffirme the idea that you’re not worthy of being. I don’t mean to shame or scold anyone in a reprehensible situation. All I’m asking you to do is the next time you feel you’re not worthy either it being from self abuse or something external. Look at a photo of yourself as a child and ask “Would I tell him/her that this is okay”? Thanks for taking the time out of your day to read this. 

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