Growing up

As we grow older, life bestows greater responsibilities on us. I just miss the days when the biggest decision was what flavored milk I wanted to drink that morning.

I know I’m no where near the level of responsibility I will be, nor will it get easier. However, I would tell a younger me to enjoy life a little more. I tell myself that now before its truly over haha.

All in all I am content where I am in life at the moment. Would I change some aspects from my past if given the chance? Absolutely. Although that isn’t possible I can still mould my future in the present into something idealistic. I guess what I’m trying to say is that life gives you plenty of hindrances to work against. It’s our job to fight back and prove to the world and more importantly yourself that you’re worth something better. Well at this point I’m rambling, maybe ill post a cookie recipe or some crap next time.

Thanks for taking the time to read my thoughts and have an awesome day! Here’s a song that’s been stuck on my mind for a couple days. Reminds me of when I was younger. (:


Missing people.

Missing people sucks, plan and simple. Friends move away, relatives pass away, relationships end. How do we cope? If you came for the answer here, I don’t have it. Sorry bout it. I’m just as lost as you. Personally I don’t let a lot of people in too close, solely because I hate the feeling of losing that person. Or that they might hurt you. However, as life goes on the pain doesn’t hurt as much as it first does. You meet new people you have new experiences and you move on. As harsh as that sounds to the memory of a loved one, that’s all we can do. Don’t get me wrong there are plenty of people I wish we’re in life again. Some good and some not so good. But they affected my life in such a way that I miss experiencing their being. So my only advice would be take pictures, live in the moment, and do what makes you happy. Nothing is promised.


Usual mornings.

Usually I wake up anywhere between 7 to 10 depending if I work or not. I’m a key holder at a speciality store in Dallas, I like what I do. I love the company I work for however, there are days that seem redundant and I wish I could just live like a nomad and more from place to place without care. Maybe one day.


Hello interweb.

Hello interweb.

I’ve always wanted to start a blog and now here I go. Hello, my name is Juan I’m 22 born aug. 3rd and ill post something more in depth another time but I thought I’d get this out of the way and say hello. Currently on my iPhone, getting my computer fixed. So I guess that’s it for now. Byeeee