An open letter to my future lover

I am human and I will make mistakes. Know that if I’ve let you in I truly love you. That being said, I promise to be honest to you. I have learned am learning from my mistakes. The one solemn vow I make to you will be that I will give you my honest self; not as a tribute to you but to me. I will never be ashamed of you or deny you. I will honor your existence and praise you for your individuality. I will make a conscious effort to always fight for us until there is nothing to fight for. I will not place you on a pedestal but set you beside me as my partner. I will not allow you to be my sole source of happiness, but my confidant. To breathe unto you my inner most secrets and desires. I will do my duty to give you this mutual haven. I have learned am learning from my mistakes. And I solemnly vow this.

The xx – Together


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